John Johnston

code enforcement officer at City of Anderson - Anderson, IN, US

John Johnston's Contact Details
City of Anderson
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City of Anderson logo, City of Anderson contact details

City of Anderson

Anderson, IN, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Community Development's focus is on the construction and rehabilitation of housing, neighborhood revitalization in areas that are income eligible as well as funding for public facilities improvements. Housing rehabilitation programs include: Emergency Rehabilitation, Urban Homestead Program, Home Repair Loan Program, Rental Rehabilitation Program, Deferred Loan Program, Exterior/Interior Rehabilitation Program, Paint and fix Program and the Downpayment Assistance Program. This department also provides demolition funds for the razing of abandoned and dilapidated housing. Community Development may elect to assist public service agencies with their projects from time to time which includes public education on fair housing issues. Additionally, the department provides support assistance to numerous internal departments by providing GIS mapping, data collection, demographic analysis, and other comprehensive planning activities. For example, the Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Parks department, Transportation (CATS), and Economic Development departments utilize us for redevelopment, district, and master planning. The department also manages the Historic Preservation process by accepting applications and monitoring guideline compliance. Other functions include coordination of the Anderson Indiana Main Street (AIMS) activities downtown.

Government General Government Nec Government Administration
Details about City of Anderson
Frequently Asked Questions about John Johnston
John Johnston currently works for City of Anderson.
John Johnston's role at City of Anderson is code enforcement officer.
John Johnston's email address is *** To view John Johnston's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
John Johnston works in the Government Administration industry.
John Johnston's colleagues at City of Anderson are Avernell Cromer, Cathy Wiggins, Justin Johnson, Fred Reese, Beth Griner, Renata Robinson, Mark Brizendine and others.
John Johnston's phone number is ["+18644388752"]
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