THE EMPEROR'S BRIDGE CAMPAIGN is a nonprofit that works on a variety of fronts — research, education, advocacy — to honor the life and advance the legacy of Joshua Abraham Norton (c.1818-1880), best known as the San Francisco eccentric and visionary, Emperor Norton.\\The impetus for the launch of the Campaign was John Lumea's August 2013 petition calling on the State of California to name the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge for Emperor Norton, who set out the original vision for the bridge in 1872. The petition (( is at 5,400 signatures and counting.\\The Campaign continues to provide leadership and inspiration for the bridge-naming effort (see as part of our mission to advance the legacy of Emperor Norton on a variety of fronts, including historical research and documentation; public education; cultural visioning; and advocacy.\\We seek to be the leading public resource on Emperor Norton.\\:: :: ::\\Site >>>\Facebook >>>\Twitter >>> @EmperorsBridge \\PROJECTS\\\EVENTS\\\BLOG\\\PRESS\\\\Wall Street Journal: '...the boldest efforts to honor the Emperor.'