Hosted Continuity (HC) is a Technology Services Organisation supporting three functional disciplines;- Consultancy- Implementation- SustainabilityIn support of these disciplines, HC operates via two business lines;Managed Services:- Infrastructure Services- Enterprise Security- IT Support- Application ServicesProject Services:- Delivery Services- Resourcing The vision is to be an agile organisation based on entrepreneurial qualities providing end to end services to enable businesses to operate more effectively.This results in our clients seeing HC not only as a supplier but as a business partner and an integral part of their operation.What HC Offers:The ability for our clients to lower their exposure to technological changes, by maximising their investment into whole solution while lowering IT costs, removing obsolescence and guaranteeing technology meets the business strategy.How:HC offers TROI "Tangible Return on Investment" by eliminating IT waste, removing IT capital expenditure, eliminating down time, reducing risk and leveraging a client into the leading technology, supporting them today and into tomorrow at a fraction of the cost.