Scientific Advisory Board Member, GNLD International at GNLD International Limited - Bryson City, North Carolina, United States
At GNLD, we believe the right decisions about nutrition (deciding what to put into your body and what to keep out of your body) are among the most important decisions of your life. These are also the same decisions behind every GNLD product without compromise. It is however important to note that the supplements you choose are made from ingredients Mother nature wants in your body, proven safe and effective by centuries of human consumption. All GNLD products are based in nature and backed by science. Here, we combine the finest natural ingredients with the very latest science from all over the world as we continually formulate products that are safe and effective over a lifetime of use. GNLD has a Scientific Advisory board and the members are all recognised world-wide as leading edge scientists. Our unique and enduring commitment to product excellence has attracted the attention of researchers from the USDA, CDC, major universities and respected scientific institutions around the world. GNLD is also into the business of empowering people by providing the opportunity designed to allow anyone, regardless of previous experience or training to own his or her own business. With a GNLD business, the sky is the limit and you can build your business as big as your individual ambition, talent and energy permit.