John Morris

Educator at Blackrock College - , , US

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Blackrock College
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Blackrock College logo, Blackrock College contact details

Blackrock College

, , US • 250 - 499 Employees

Blackrock College was founded in 1860 by Pere Jules Leman CSSp. and his French companions.They had a dual aim to train personnel for missionary service in the Third World and to provide a first class Catholic education for Irish boys.The French tradition of a wide cultural education was developed down the years as the College grew in both numbers and in reputation. New buildings were added over time to meet the increased demand for places and to provide the best possible facilities for students.The Spiritan ethos impels the students to lead their lives with a generosity of spirit that reaches out to those who endure hardship and disadvantage.As a result of this constant striving for excellence which is essential to the Blackrock College ethos, year after year, Blackrock College alumni went on to achieve much and contribute greatly, in very public and in less high-profile ways, to society both in Ireland and abroad.Today, there are over 1000 students both day and boarding (in Williamstown Castle), enjoying excellent facilities located within 56 acres of rolling parkland on the broad sweep of Dublin Bay in South County Dublin.The College motto ‘Fides et Robur'- Faith and Fortitude is very much alive at Blackrock today. The students are educated and very well prepared for the world which awaits them equipping them with ability and skills to emulate the achievements and contributions made by generations of ‘Rockmen' before them.

Details about Blackrock College
Frequently Asked Questions about John Morris
John Morris currently works for Blackrock College.
John Morris's role at Blackrock College is Educator.
John Morris's email address is *** To view John Morris's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
John Morris works in the Education Management industry.
John Morris's colleagues at Blackrock College are Robert O'Brien, Rafael Segale, Donal O'Nuallain, Kathryn Cummins, Andre Cavanagh, Ronan Kearney, Brigid OByrne and others.
John Morris's phone number is
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