Pennsylvania Representative to the NSPE House of Delegates at Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers - , ,
MISSION: The Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers is a non-profit organization whose members are Licensed Engineers. The organization is devoted to public safety and welfare through our support of licensure for engineers. CONTINUING EDUCATION: PSPE's Education Committee develops and hosts a variety of courses for licensed Engineers. While the Pennsylvania State Registration Board for Professional Engineers does not currently pre-approve courses or providers of continuing education, New York state does have very stringent requirements for acceptability. PSPE is an approved evaluator for courses acceptable in NY, and we review all the courses we sponsor to check their acceptability for NY. MATHCOUNTS: PSPE members are fully engaged in fostering students enjoyment of mathematics. Problem solving skills are critical for successful engineers, and students who participate in the MATHCOUNTS program are learning and applying those same skills. SCHOLARSHIPS: The Pennsylvania Engineering Foundation awards scholarships annually to students entering ABET accredited colleges and universities to pursue a degree in engineering. This will continue to be a critical program as employers seek highly skilled, analytical thinkers.