•Anonymous Good is a Compassion Technology platform that empowers and encourages doing good, feeling good, sharing good, and changing the world.•Anonymous Good is a global community that allows members anywhere in the world to post on-line acts of Good they did, saw or received. We know from experience and science tells us that experiencing acts of Good - no matter how small - makes us feel Good.•Anonymous Good is a non-profit company with philanthropy in our DNA. We aggregate and celebrate those acts of good and turn them into global agents for change.•Anonymous Good donates money to feed people, free people from slavery, plant trees for clean air and dig wells for clean water every time someone posts a Good on the website.•That means the Anonymous Good tribe gets to double down on their acts of Good because smiling at a stranger and posting it on the site can literally help feed someone or free them from slavery. Tribe members automatically become connected to their world as global philanthropists using acts of Good as their currency.•Anonymous Good is in the business of feeling Good by doing Good and sharing Good because Good is Great.