Lasser at ISTECH Metal Finish BV - STAINLESS TREATMENTS - Dordrecht, South Holland, Netherlands
Worldwide Stainless Steel Condition Inspection and Stainless Steel Corrosion Damage InspectionISTECH Metal Finish BV and ISTECH Stainless Treatment provides the folllowing technical services on site / on board in the best interest of your Stainless Steel Cargo Tanks, Scrubbers, Pipe Systems, Process and Storage Tanks:Stainless Steel Surface Condition InspectionInterior Piping Inspection (endoscope camera)NDT Weld InspectionStainless Steel Passivity Surface Roughness TestingStainless Steel Surface Repair by Grinding, Buffing, Polishing and WeldingCorrosion Treatment / Rust RemovalStainless Steel Pickling and Passivation