Panel-Fab is an electrical manufacturer of control panels. We offer many services that put us above our competition and add additional value to our customers. With over 35 years experience we understand that catering to the need of our customer is very important. A single contact ensures that the customer is informed of all scheduling and technical requirements throughout any project from beginning to end. Our panels are built with the highest degree of craftsmanship and adherence to specifications. Our manufacturing facilities consists of over 140 employees which allows us to tackle any size project and meet any schedule required.Our testing facility puts every product through a series of tests to provide the customer with complete quality assurance. After all, quality is as important as cost.Below are a few industries Panel-Fab is involved in:-Material Handling-Solar-Heat Treating-Glass Furnace Systems-Waste Water/Waste Water Treatment Plants-Machine Tool Panels-Military Control Panels for the Navy-Engraving NameplatesCONTACT PANEL-FABPhone: 513.771.7780 Fax: 513.771.4223Email: sales@panel-fab.comWebsite: