ZippSlip cloud-based software as a service enables K-12 schools, public and private, to digitially process and sign all their paper forms, in use all year round, including those requiring payments. Whether sending 75,000 forms across a district family and student population, or processing a single form requesting use of a facility or time off from an internal employee, ZippSlip is the world's leading platform for consolidating communications of all types presently on paper.Driving adoption to levels up 300% on average, ZippSlip also sets the stage for advancing well beyond today's hodge podge of robodialers, portals, websites, emails, surveys, and social pages confronting parents seeking to augment their support of their child's education.In short, ZippSlip is the first ever comprehensive communications platform for today's K12 schools delivering freedom from paper forms as well as a rational path forward to a single state of the art communications platform with parents and staff.