Copywriter | Marketing and Sales Idea Generator at John Rugh Communications - Austin, TX, US
If you are a business owner, CEO or marketer, you are confronted with a big challenge...An obstacle you have to overcome. A battle you must win if you are going to stay in business...You need leads...You need sales...You need profitable, thriving customer relationships...You don't need marketing that produces meaningless metrics such as "likes" or "follows".You need marketing that produces revenue...I can help you...As a conversion copywriter, I have one goal. To help YOU sell more of your products and services and enjoy greater ROI.That's it.I don't guess. I don't wing it...Harnessing my proprietary deep dive consulting process, I work hard to understand your product and your customer.I turn your customer data into sales messages that convert.So...Are you are sick and tired of marketing copy and content that don't give you a solid ROI?Do you want to squeeze more money from your crucially important customer data?you can contact me at