Catalyst provides specialised advice to family owned businesses. Our Melbourne based practice encompasses a team of 50 highly skilled professionals.Family owned businesses carry their own unique set of challenges and risks. As a business owner, chances are you didn't just go into business to make money. Success is also defined in terms of family relationships, lifestyle (now and future), legacy and financial security which can't all be measured on the balance sheet.Traveling this journey well requires having access to a broad spectrum of advice that is well grounded in what it takes to be successful at mixing family and business. We created Catalyst because too many family owned businesses are not thriving even when they should be. Most are well looked after from a compliance perspective, but lack the benefits of drawing on a broader base of expertise that ensures you navigate the complexities of famly relationships in the business, structuring the business to achieve the lifestyle objectives you set out to achieve and making sure plans for succession are well established and executed.Our perspective on how to turn family businesses from surviving to thriving is key to the success we've enjoyed with many of our clients over the years.If you want to know more, a great place to start is to download our guide – Surviving to Thriving. It's free and an instant download. See the link below.