John Stewart

Sales Associate at Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited - Whitby, ON, CA

John Stewart's Contact Details
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited
John Stewart's Company Details
Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited logo, Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited contact details

Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited

Whitby, ON, CA • 100 - 249 Employees
Construction Services

Pro-Bel's roots date back to the 1970's when Marc Lebel operated a high rise window cleaning company under the name Pro-Bel Services. It was in the 1980's that Pro-Bel recognized that in order for window cleaning activities to be carried out properly, buildings must have properly identified and engineered anchorages for suspending platforms, work cages, and bosun's chairs - all with accompanying and independent lifeline anchorages. From the 1970's to the 2000's, in all its designs, Pro-Bel subscribed to a weighty notion contained in labour regulations, cited throughout North America. It is known as the "general duty clause"​, which, in essence, is legislation that provides an obligation on the part of building owners and managers to provide a place of from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm. The "general duty clause"​ is an over-riding provision intended to correct conditions where there is no specific applicable labour standard. This is the Section of the respective U.S. or Canadian "Act"​ that building owners and construction professionals must be aware of when making provision for suspended maintenance anchorages on rooftops. It is an area in which Pro-Bel is very familiar with when it comes to protecting the interests of its clients.

Window Washing Equipment Fall Protection Equipment Roof Anchors Safety Tie-Back Anchors
Details about Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited
Frequently Asked Questions about John Stewart
John Stewart currently works for Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited.
John Stewart's role at Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited is Sales Associate.
John Stewart's email address is *** To view John Stewart's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
John Stewart works in the Construction Services industry.
John Stewart's colleagues at Pro-Bel Enterprises Limited are Brandon Pardy, Samuel Peters, Joshua Carasco, Natalie S., Pauline Assinck-Wallen, Katrina Sorg, Jeff Joseph and others.
John Stewart's phone number is 905-427-0616
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