Vantage Economics is more than an economics consulting firm. Our goal is to interpret and transform economic events and data into useful tools for senior level executives and investors. To achieve this, we use innovative technology and ideas to help businesses and investors manage their risk. Through our unique analysis of the economy, Vantage Economics has created indicators to predict economic trends before they occur, which empowers our clients to make the best decisions even in uncertain times. These indicators are business tools that let our clients know when to invest, expand and make other capital decisions.Vantage Economics provides consulting services to both private companies as well as public sector economic development groups. Groups or individuals can hire us on an hourly basis or on retainer, as needed. Our newsletter, The Weekly Vantage, is the most business friendly economics newsletter on the market, and is written with the corporation and investor in mind. It provides real business answers to important financial questions. With The Weekly Vantage at your side, you will not only have the answers to your questions, but also be able to make financial decisions with confidence. By minimizing economic surprise, you can move forward with capital decisions.