John Thornton

Employer Relationship Manager at Career Transition Partnership - London, ENG, UK

John Thornton's Contact Details
+44 131 310 5661
Career Transition Partnership
John Thornton's Company Details
Career Transition Partnership logo, Career Transition Partnership contact details

Career Transition Partnership

London, ENG, UK • 250 - 499 Employees

The Career Transition Partnership is the official resettlement service for the Armed Forces. The CTP provides comprehensive personal support for Service leavers who are transitioning from their military career into civilian life. It has supported more than 310,000 personnel over the past 25 years. Your successful resettlement will require clear aims, expert advice and access to the right resources and opportunities. Our aim is to help you to approach your resettlement with confidence, making sure that your destination after your Service is appropriate to your skills, knowledge, experience and aspirations – whether that is in work, in education or in retirement. The service is delivered at ten Regional Resettlement Centres in the UK, along with the flagship Resettlement Training Centre in Aldershot, which contains purpose-built resettlement facilities. The CTP is a partnership between the Ministry of Defence working together with Reed in Partnership and the Forces Employment Charity.

Career Transition
Details about Career Transition Partnership
Frequently Asked Questions about John Thornton
John Thornton currently works for Career Transition Partnership.
John Thornton's role at Career Transition Partnership is Employer Relationship Manager.
John Thornton's email address is *** To view John Thornton's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
John Thornton works in the Government industry.
John Thornton's colleagues at Career Transition Partnership are Rosie MacIntyre, Wendy Leighton, Ben Walker, Morgan Jones, Doreen Tolley, Catherine Blake, Graham Clark and others.
John Thornton's phone number is +44 131 310 5661
See more information about John Thornton