Precool Cold Storage which is the largest transcritical CO2 Cold Storage facility in The capacity of Precool Cold storage is positioned to handle an excess of 12 500 pallets, a total of eleven chambers including two steri chambers, that are capable of the multi-temperatures between ambient and – 25 C, ensuring a flexibility in operations and an ability to deliver a service offering for all temperature controlled cargo. PreCool Cold storage have airlocked loading bays which can accommodate large trucks. Cargo is offloaded directly into a temperature controlled marshalling chamber, thereby maintaining the cold chain.This is globally accepted as the Best Cold store Practice, to offload directly into a temperature controlled marshalling chamber from the truck. The temperature is currently set at 6C.Phase 1 of the project is to build the largest Transcritical CO2 Precool Cold Storage in Africa. This phase is completed and operational.Phase 2 of the project is a container depot for 1500 reefers containers and to install 150 reefer plugsPhase 3 and 4 of the project is to complete the truck staging facilities and build the rail terminal and line, directly from the facility into Durban port. We are approved for China, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines and land based sterilization as of March 2021. Each sterilization tunnel is specifically designed to comfortably achieve a sterilization temperature within 72 hours for all fruit types.