Northern Ireland Policing Board: Independent Community Observer
The Northern Ireland Policing Board was established on 4 November 2001 under the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000. The Board is responsible for the independent oversight and scrutiny of the PSNI. Its job is to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of an effective, efficient, impartial, representative and accountable policing service which will secure the confidence of the whole community, by reducing crime and the fear of crime. The Board is made up of 10 Political Members who are members of the Northern Ireland Assembly and appointed by their party in line with d'Hondt principles and 9 Independent Members of the community who are appointed by the Justice Minister through a public appointment competition. The Board and the model of police governance it provides through its political and independent members has delivered democratic accountability and oversight of policing. The Board has a number of key legislative duties to deliver including the development and publication of an Annual Policing Plan and overseeing how the police meet responsibilities under the Human Rights Act. The Board scrutiny work is carried out through public Board meetings and a number of Committee's which have responsibility for key areas of business. The Chief Constable must answer to the Board on any aspect of policing here however the Board cannot and does not direct or control the Chief Constable as he retains operational responsibility for policing. The Policing Board also works with the Department of Justice to support and monitor the work of Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs). These partnerships comprise both political and independent members from the 11 council areas and look at policing and community safety issues.