One of the biggest mistakes that a startup can make is BUILDING A PRODUCT THAT NOBODY WANTS. This can be a devastating mistake that most companies can't recover from. So how can we avoid this?In the book "The Lean Startup", Eric Ries defines: "A minimum viable product (MVP) is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort."This may be easy for software products, but what about hardware? It is prohibitively slow (and expensive) to iterate a hardware design.TENET Technologies was founded to solve this exact problem. We are an electronics design firm in Taiwan that specializes in VALIDATING YOUR HARDWARE BUSINESS IDEAS FAST. Through our proprietary PCB design methods, we provide fast turnaround times for bespoke electronics. Compared to in-house development, outsourcing your MVP design to TENET Technologies can save up to 50% time and cost.Interested? Don't just take our word for it. Let us help you de-risk your product development, get customer feedback faster, and WIN MORE BUSINESS today. Connect with us, or visit for details.