We provide Aviation Solutions to DOD and Industry, fully equipped to provide services in all Aviation maintenance areas, GSE/AGE, Vehicle, Logistic/Supply programs and Systems support, both as prime or sub team provider. VAST also is experienced providing augment workforce's for development or future service. We are a certified Veteran-owned small business and we try to hire a 100% Veteran workforce.Veteran Aviation Services Team (VAST) was created to focus the expertise and individual commitment of service from our company team, to truly provide a "Best Value" aviation support solution for the DOD, Industry, and other Aviation Agencies. With a growing, stable of over 140 technical and management professionals, who are serving, or are 'ready to serve', VAST brings paramount experience/knowledge to a multitude of aircraft, engine, and vehicle types, and in all areas of Aviation Maintenance, Logistics, and Training support.VAST Aerospace delivers by:- Providing the highest quality, fully experienced, by the book, and safety conscious aviation and logistic professionals as a best value workforce solution, through their continued service supporting DOD and Industry Aviation. Hiring quality veterans is our priority and goal to give back to those who have served!VAST Aerospace.................Veterans...'continuing to serve'.