With the help of emerging technology resources, including 360-Degree Photography, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality - Udeesa Systemics & Technology is able to create immersive education tools that teachers can use to expand upon the topic of Africa in the classroom and that students can use to reimagine the continent in ways they never have before.Emerging technologies both help to promote student engagement with learning materials, improve mental health and deepen student interaction with topics that generally don't receive enough attention within the educational system.Founded in 2018, Udeesa Systemics & Technology began as a result of our Founder/CEO experiencing the severe underrepresentation of African heritage in all levels of traditional schooling within the United States. Today, we have incorporated our growing collection of virtual tours, virtual reality, augmented reality, and other emerging technologies into our interactive African Folktale Series of Anansi the Spider in order to provide educational tools & primary resources to students, parents, and educators as they explore Africa's past, present, and future.