AGENT HYDE helps you discover, uncover, or recover the essence of your company so that everyone—inside and outside your organization—is consistently aligned on what you stand for and why it matters. Organizations that fail to define why they exist, what they do, and how they do it often find themselves struggling to grow. When your brand, your mission, and your culture aren't aligned, communicating your unique value in the market becomes challenging. AGENT HYDE is a creative firm specializing in brand strategy, story, and identity, as well as content, web, campaigns, and consulting for companies in the B2B space. STRATEGYResearch and insightsBrand platformsBreakthrough ideasPositioningAudiences and personasMarketing plansSTORY NamingMessagingTaglines Value propositionsBrand voiceNarrativesIDENTITYLogosBrand visualsStylesStandardsPhotographyBusiness papersCREATIVEConceptsThemesTreatmentsDesignCopyCONTENTCollateralPromotional materialsArticlesBlog postsWhite papersWEBStrategyDesignDevelopmentContentSEOCAMPAIGNSLaunchesAccount-basedB2B/B2CDigitalTraditionalCONSULTBrainstormingProblem-solvingBrand launch/ trainingSounding boardFacilitation and speaking