PurposeWhat is the purpose of a church? What is the purpose of our church? These are important questions that compel thoughtful answers. At Salem Chapel we strive to answer these questions for our church and live out the principles as individuals. The purpose of Salem Chapel is to make disciples and equip them with four key attributes. These attributes are knowing Christ experientially, growing in Christ through the application of biblical truth, sharing the love of Christ in the church and local community, and serving Christ compassionately by shouldering the load of ministry in the church and humbly reaching for those outside of the church.Core ValuesWhen Salem Chapel was formed, five core values were established as priorities for our church. These core values support our purpose and provide guidelines for any ministry, service project or area of worship that we undertake. As you are around the church, we trust you will see us following these values in our services and ministries, and living them out as you spend time with Salem Chapel people. Our core values are:Proclaiming the authority of God's word without apologyBoldly sharing the gospel of Jesus ChristLifting high the name of Jesus Christ in worshipBelieving firmly in the power of prayerLoving our neighbors as ourselvesWhat We BelieveOur purpose and core values are based on what we believe. our beliefs are not based on our opinions or traditions, but on knowing God and understanding His word. At Salem Chapel you will find that we hold firmly to what the Bible says, but that we allow freedom in areas which the Bible doesn't address. For a detailed look at what we believe click on the About link on the navigation bar. This detailed information explains our core teachings.