Johnson Zhang

Managing Director at iDigital China - , Shanghai Shi, China

Johnson Zhang's Colleagues at iDigital China
Johnson Zhang's Contact Details
iDigital China
Johnson Zhang's Company Details
iDigital China logo, iDigital China contact details

iDigital China

, Shanghai Shi, China • 3 Employees
Management Consulting

iDigital China is one of the leading commercial event organizers in Asia Pacific, which specializes in organizing various professional events in the marketing technology industry. We work with our partners to build the capabilities that enable organizations to achieve sustainable advantage in the rapid development era of modern marketing. We believe a face-to-face networking opportunity for senior marketers, agency leaders, publishers and innovative technology and service providers are the most efficient way to solve the prominent questions we are facing now.

Details about iDigital China
Frequently Asked Questions about Johnson Zhang
Johnson Zhang currently works for iDigital China.
Johnson Zhang's role at iDigital China is Managing Director.
Johnson Zhang's email address is ***@. To view Johnson Zhang's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Johnson Zhang works in the Management Consulting industry.
Johnson Zhang's colleagues at iDigital China are Embanks Arman and others.
Johnson Zhang's phone number is
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