Since 1992, MacRescue has provided Apple consulting services to innovative Southern California small- and medium- sized businesses. The company works to create and maintain systems that maximize productivity, minimize downtime, and help control costs, from the first installation to the next upgrade and beyond. In addition to experience in planning, purchasing, installing, maintaining and upgrading Apple Mac systems and iOS devices, MacRescue possesses an extensive background in graphic arts. The company traces its long-standing client relationships to an individualized approach to each client's professional requirements, technology needs and unique workflow. Proactive in our approach to support, we focus on planning and prevention; equally important are clients' privacy and security needs.The MacRescue team possesses multiple Apple certifications. Founder Steve Leebove holds Apple Certified Technical Consultant and Apple Certified Trainer standing; for more than five years, he has been a panelist at Macworld and also speaks at MacTech. Ten-year MacRescue team member Jon Clough is an Apple Certified System Administrator. The company is on call during the 9-to-5 workday, and also available to clients around the clock and on weekends. MacRescue offers flexible service options, from hourly "pay as you go" fees, to pre-purchased consulting hours, to dedicated annual contracts.