We Moving Stories creates and offers programs, training and workshops for organisations and companies that want to develop a more diverse and inclusive workspace. Our innovative concepts and methods are the result of a collaboration between individuals who suffer the consequences of stigmatisation, biases and exclusion, D&I experts, organisations and academics from different sectors and countries. With this diverse ecosystem at its foundation, We Moving Stories gives clients the opportunity to feel and experience the importance of diversity, inclusion and equity, discover the potential and diversity that is already in their organisation and provide tools and knowledge to successfully go into action mode and based on scientific knowledge, create lasting impact. We believe in the power of engaging in open and honest conversations with people you might not normally talk to, about topics that are not talked about. In our programs we combine learning, action and empathy to create safe spaces to explore diversity and better understand stigma and prejudice. The We Moving Stories name derives from the three meanings of ‘Moving'; 1) A story that moves you on an emotional level and makes you reflect, 2) A story that gets you moving towards change 3) A story shared by a living moving person. Society is changing and organisations and companies can not stay behind. A sustainable work environment is all about your people, about creating an inclusive and diverse culture, a workplace where everybody is valued for their individual uniqueness and at the same time has a strong sense of belonging to the company culture. When you get the best out of your employees, they get the best out of your business.