A division of Logictivity Pty Ltd. Jonar Nader's consulting organisation. Jonar is the author of the best-selling Prentice Hall's Illustrated Dictionary of Computing (Pearson) now in its third edition. He is the technology writer for Butterworths' Legal Dictionary, and the Student's Legal Dictionary. He was also the Technical Editor for the Consumers' Association publication called How to Buy a Computer. With his intimate understanding of technology and society, he is often called upon to serve as an Expert Witness to the legal profession. He was the co-founder of the Australian Information Technology Society, where he served for six years. His latest book is called 'How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Lovers'. Others in the series include 'How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Your Boss' (now in its 2nd edition), following the successful release of 'How to Lose Friends and Infuriate People' (now in its 4th edition, published by Plutonium and formerly contracted to Penguin and HarperCollins) and 'How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Thinkers'. Merchandise is also licensed to ABC Enterprises. Jonar's next release will be 'How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Competitors'. His first suspense thriller is called Z, which has been translated and published from Brazil to Russia and is now also in paperback.