Since its launch in 2008, bicoastal/international Station Film quickly established itself as one of the industry's top creative shops. Its roster of award-winning directors excels at cross-platform storytelling— from film, television, and music videos to VR/AR and digital creation. Station Film's partners are Stephen Orent, Caroline Gibney, and Michelle Towse.Principals/Execs: Stephen Orent, Founding Partner; Caroline Gibney, Founding Partner/EP; Michelle Towse, Partner/EP; Geoffrey Ollwerther, Controller.Station Directors: Chris Balmond, Lena Beug, Thomas Beug, Sarah Chatfield, Scott Corbett, Allen Coulter, dom&nic, Brendan Gibbons, Mark Gilbert, Henry/Ssong, Mathias Hovgaard, Ramaa Mosley, Jason Perlman, Seyi Peter-Thomas, and Declan Whitebloom.Tweet: @stationfilm Instagram: @stationfilmFacebook: