High-end gear does not necessary have to be complicated. Carefully designed short audio-path with high-quality matched components is in many cases the key to superior sonic performances and emotionally involving music experience. Box-less Open Baffle speakers represent this sonic purity and simplicity at best and PureAudioProject allows all music and audio enthusiasts, not only DIYers, to benefit this unique and years lasting sonic and emotional experience; … and all in a reasonable price !"Perfection of Simplicity" is not a cliché, it is a well proven concept…The core of our product line features carefully designed modular Open Baffle Sets and Enclosures that form various configurations such as Solo, Duet or Trio for music or high quality home theatre applications.Open Baffle are dipole speakers that meet the highest audiophile demands for music reproduction. Differently from boxed speakers, open baffle speakers are supported by the room natural ambiance, the sonic ambiance our ears are so accustomed to. When set right their sound is simply addicting; open, natural, dynamic, deep, warm and non-fatigue…We offer different wood and finishing options that include carefully selected German Oak, hand-crafted and finished, all in-house in south Germany.Our products are shipped in a finished, disassembled form, ready for breeze-simple tool-less assembly with world's best OB specific drivers.