analyst at Emergency Solutions International - , New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada
Emergency Solutions International is a proud Saint John New Brunswick firm that provides risk management support and strategic guidance to critical infrastructure and government. The primary mission of Emergency Solutions International (ESI) is to support partners from both the government and private sectors in their "All Hazard" emergency planning, preparedness and risk assessment needs. As part of a comprehensive approach to emergency planning, ESI encourages the use of the Capability Based Planning (CBP) methodology. The foundation for implementing CBP is the creation of Target Capabilities, which support a process of accountability through the use of defined measures and metrics. Further, ESI uses a cyclical Emergency Risk Management process to ensures that all efforts are sustainable and measured.With expertise in Incident Management System (IMS) and Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) management, in the response and recovery phase of an incident, ESI can provide experts to assist in times of crisis. Further, to promote self-sufficiency, ESI can proactively train an organization's own "boots on the ground" IMS personnel, helping to equip an in-house team to better manage an emergency situation. To support a truly sustainable effort, regular exercising and evaluation of Emergency Response Plans may also be conducted with ESI. Evaluation services have been provided at the tactical level to support response teams and at the strategic level for industry on behalf of their Federal Regulators.