Jonathan LaMendola

Partner at Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC - Dallas, TX, US

Jonathan LaMendola's Contact Details
Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC
Jonathan LaMendola's Company Details
Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC logo, Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC contact details

Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC

Dallas, TX, US • 50 - 99 Employees

Based in Dallas, Texas, Cobb Martinez Woodward is a litigation firm focused on providing insurance companies, businesses and professionals with a rare and welcome combination of legal expertise, efficiency, and real-world value. Formed in 2008 by veteran lawyers who share an exceptional commitment to their clients and a passion for the practice of law, CMW has already been recognized among the "Best Law Firms in America"​ by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers. The attorneys at Cobb Martinez Woodward are acknowledged by their peers to be among the very best. An emphasis on thoughtful planning and efficient execution of legal matters reveals both their considerable skill at litigation and an appreciation for each client's bottom line. At Cobb Martinez Woodward, we study legal issues with great care, we provide counsel built on sound experience and judgment, and we advance client causes ethically and with passion.

Trials Appeals Arbitrations Dispute Resolution Business Litigation Professional Liability Insurance Defense Legal/Attorney Legal Services Law Practice
Details about Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Jonathan LaMendola
Jonathan LaMendola currently works for Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC.
Jonathan LaMendola's role at Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC is Partner.
Jonathan LaMendola's email address is *** To view Jonathan LaMendola's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jonathan LaMendola works in the Legal/Attorney industry.
Jonathan LaMendola's colleagues at Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC are Stacy Hoffman Bruce, Sandi Mallon, Carrie Phaneuf, Amy Flowers, Bevan Rhine, Michael Smith, Lindsey Wyrick and others.
Jonathan LaMendola's phone number is 214-220-5200
See more information about Jonathan LaMendola