The Warrior Home Design Team is a multidisciplinary student design team at the University of Waterloo working towards implementing a high-performance, sustainable, and net-zero energy building in the affordable housing market. Each year the team hopes to partner with a community that seeks to improve building design with a focus on sustainability and resilience. In 2019 Warrior Home partnered with The Chippewas of Nawash, an indigenous community settled along the Grey Bruce peninsula on the Neyaashiiningmiing reserve, and Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce. The optimized design, centred around energy efficiency and best construction practices, is an innovative and an affordable single detached home that is molded around the community's unique needs while minimizing utility bills, as well as reduce the initial price of the home. Members of the Warrior Home Design Team will spend 2019 volunteering with Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce to build the house and bring the design to life.Each year Warrior Home will be entering a design into the US Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon. Warrior Home will be competing and showcasing the design at the National Mall at the 2020 Folklife Festival in Washington, DC. Last year, Warrior Home participated in the 2018 US Department of Energy's Race to Zero Design Competition. Competing alongside 84 teams, Warrior Home's optimized Habitat for Humanity townhouse placed first in the attached housing category.