F.A.K.E. .F.ashion for.A.nimal.K.ingdom &.E.nvironment WHY? Today, thousands of animals will be killed for leather, wool, silk, fur… All in the name of Fashion. It has a huge impact on the environment as well, bigger than all the international flights and maritime traffic combined. It is our responsibility to change our way of consuming. But let's be honest, it's not very easy to find nice cruelty-free & fare trade clothes and accessories..This is why F.A.K.E. movement give you options and help you to make that change!NO MORE EXCUSES :)HOW? We select designers that offer vegan, ethical & sustainable options and create event, popup.. to promote them!It's simple as 1 + 1 = 2.The more FAKER we are, the more designers would want to create ethical fashion.WHO? Many designers can be "FAKER" Designers.We have one condition: having cruelty-free Fashion ethically made.Nobody is perfect and running a business is not easy, it takes time and money to go from non-vegan product to 100% vegan or to go from vegan to 100% ethical. We need to have an open mind.This is why F.A.K.E. accept everybody that offer vegan & ethical options for