Rédacteur en chef | Editor In Chief at Télé-Louisiane - New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
le média du peuple louisianais: infos, culture et débats—pour & par nous-autresmedia for Louisiana's people: news, culture, and debate—by & for usFounded as a partnership of French-and-Creole-speaking Louisiana filmmakers, artists, researchers and entrepreneurs in October 2018, Télé-Louisiane is the multi-lingual media platform by and for the people of Louisiana, i.e. Louisianans or les Louisianais—whether in the State or in the diaspora. We work with private and public sector partners to produce and distribute media focused on breathing new life into Louisiana's languages, cultures, and people in addition to providing related professional services. On top of our in-house team, we partner with external creators, professionals, and entrepreneurs with a focus on building up our native cultural economy in Louisiana and our ties to sister lands like Quebec, Acadie, Haiti, Guadeloupe, and Bretagne.While our initial focus has been Louisiana (or Cajun) French and Louisiana Creole, we embrace Louisiana's Spanish, Vietnamese, and numerous native languages and hope to work with more creators in these tongues as well.In that vein, we aim to work with any and all Louisianans who are filmmakers, activists, researchers, journalists, and more who share our passion to maintain and develop Louisiana's unique cultural and environmental fabric.