Residential, Commercial & Historic Painting Contractors ♦ Painting Services ♦ Professional Painters at Greenleaf Painters - Trenton, NJ, US
Are you looking for a New Jersey painting contractor that is highly responsive, offers quality painting and excellent customer care? We exercise the utmost care and respect for the surfaces we are preserving and the spaces we are working in and around. We ensure that we leave no sign of our presence other than a beautifully restored home or commercial space. Our services for residential, commercial & historic properties include: ● Quality, Professional Painting ● Exterior & Interior Painting ● Wallpaper Removal and Hanging● Deck Staining● Power Washing● Light Carpentry ● Crown Molding Installation● Drywall Repair● Historically-Accurate Repairs and Replacements● Color-Matching of Historic Color● Paint RemovalOur most distinguished projects and achievements include:● The historic Bainbridge House, home to the Historical Society of Princeton. This project involved careful color-matching of historic exterior paint. The Bainbridge House is one of the finest examples of Georgian architecture in the area.● The Princeton Baptist Church of Penns Neck, in commemoration of their 225th anniversary. This project included significant repair to the steeple, as well as restorative painting of the facade.● A showcased interior design room at the Princeton Junior League Showcase House in Princeton, 2012.● St Alphonsus Church in Hopewell. This project involved a complete interior restoration.● We received the Historic Residential Restoration Award for an historic residential project in Lawrenceville. The award was granted by the Lawrence Township Redevelopment Committee in 2009.Greenleaf Painters is located in Lawrenceville, NJ & serves Princeton, Princeton Junction, Pennington, Hopewell, West Windsor, Skillman, Cranbury, Lambertville, & Lawrenceville, New Jersey & surrounding NJ communities plus Yardley, Newtown & New Hope areas in PA. For a free estimate, call our office at (609) 750-0030.