Academy Publishing, Inc. provides quality newsletters for public secondary schools. The newsletters are professionally designed and printed, but most importantly, the program is free. We literally do everything but write them for you and will provide guidance in content planning, if asked. We are dedicated to promoting excellence in education through effective parent communication.Collectively, parents/guardians are a tremendous resource for improving budget considerations, academic performance, campus safety, and much more. Most often, parents will exceed expectations when asked to assist. Consistent and direct communication with them is vital for school improvement. Online information reaches some, emails and automated phone messages are effective for others, and some require face-to-face conferences or personal phone calls. The challenge is to reach EVERY parent with critical information and strategically timed newsletters are an extremely effective tool.Academy Publishing, Inc. has been providing School Communication Services to public secondary schools since 1994. Privately owned and operated, we employ a core staff of graphic designers, administrative staff, and production personnel at our home office in Orlando, Florida. Everything is done in-house to ensure quality publications from start to finish.Currently, we produce and distribute over one million newsletters in California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin.