Inspire Capital is a private real estate investment fund (SEC 506 Reg. D) that provides accredited investors with secure, reliable, passive returns through real estate – without the headaches of tenants and toilets or large capital requirements typically associated with hedge funds and institutional investing. Our best-in-class mortgage pool fund focuses on originating well-secured, short-term mortgage loans to experienced borrowers for real estate renovations and redevelopment projects across the country. This powerful investment vehicle helps our clients diversify their portfolio, earn attractive returns, turbo-charge their IRA investing, and mitigate the risks inherent in owning real estate. But we're not for every investor and we prefer it that way. In fact, if you enjoy getting tenant calls in the middle of the night, paying property taxes, gambling for higher returns, or are satisfied with the paper gains of Wall Street, we apologize for wasting your time and we will happily refer you to our friends in those respective businesses. However, if you're interested in the advantages of mortgage pool investing or are a private money lender seeking more secure, consistent returns – congrats! You're in the top 1% of financial investors who recognize there are higher yield, more secure investments than your money manager can offer. And for you, we have investment opportunities that will inspire your portfolio. If you would like more information about investing with Inspire Capital, please contact us at 626.788.9700.