SCOOP! Do Some Good....At SCOOP we believe in supporting and educating the next generation, especially those young persons who are suffering through no fault of their own.At home, through our StreetSmart initiative, we focus on the training of young people exiting homelessness or state care (statistically the most likely to become homeless) and offer them training ready for entry level positions in restaurant kitchens or the wider hospitality sector.Abroad we focus on Art Therapy programmes for displaced children, and our SCOOP iT Programme offers Irish volunteers the chance to remotely teach English and basic to advanced IT training to children, teenagers and young adults in the hope of giving them skills that can transcend the borders that are keeping them in limbo and threatening their futures.☼ The SCOOP Crew : ☼☼ About SCOOP: ☼☼ Syrias Vibes: ☼☼ StreetSmart - ☼☼ Interested in running an event: ☼ #DoSomeGoodRegistered charity CHY 18767 in IrelandSCOOP originally stood for Supporting Children Out Of Poverty but now we stand for so much more. On top of creating a unique NGO in Ireland we dedicate our lives to fighting inequality in all its forms. We are one world, one race, and the only objective that matters is that we take care of each other, with not one child left behind. A displaced child, or a child begging on the streets with no clothes on, or a child being abused while others lay silent - these are simply stains on all of our CVs. It is a simple failure of mankind.