OnMessage is the B2B Communications Consultancy executives call when it counts. When strategic shifts in the business take place, when financial performance is on the line and when the message absolutely must deliver material business results. We’ve been helping CEOs, the C-suite and communications executives grow their businesses for more than 18 years. In fact, we pioneered the “strategic messaging” consulting space back in 2001. Our approach has always been simple and straightforward — get in … add strategic value … get out. We’re not here to replace existing resources, rather extend and enhance your ability to deliver clear, compelling messaging and communication strategies that will fuel growth. Our team has deep and wide experience engaging at the highest level of the organization and breaking down highly complex business challenges. We specialize in translating strategies into meaningful stories that create positive, material connections with customers, employees and your brand. C-suite, sales, marketing and communications executives call on us to help them ... Differentiate their business, launch new products, expand markets, drive organizational change, increase employee engagement and integrate mergers or acquisitions. OnMessage's founder, James F. O’Gara, is a recognized thought leader in this space. He has unsurpassed expertise helping executive teams convert strategic communications into capital (customer relationship, employee engagement and brand loyalty) that fuels sustained business growth. Having worked with executive teams across hundreds of high-growth and Fortune 1000 companies he has witnessed firsthand — what works, what doesn’t and how to maximize the return on every communications investment you make.