Jordana Silva

Estagiário at Brio Gold Inc. - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerai, BR

Jordana Silva's Colleagues at Brio Gold Inc.
Elton Goncalves

Operador de equipamentos pesados

Contact Elton Goncalves

Breno Machado

Beneficiamento de minério

Contact Breno Machado

Rodrigo Oliveira

Técnico em Mineração e Geologia

Contact Rodrigo Oliveira

Totonho Araci

Operador de maquinário

Contact Totonho Araci

View All Jordana Silva's Colleagues
Jordana Silva's Contact Details
Goiânia,State of Goiás,Brazil
Brio Gold Inc.
Jordana Silva's Company Details
Brio Gold Inc. logo, Brio Gold Inc. contact details

Brio Gold Inc.

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerai, BR • 61 Employees
Mining & Metals

Brio Gold is a Canadian mining company with significant gold producing, development and exploration stage properties in Brazil. The Company's portfolio includes three operating mines, the Fazenda Brasileiro Mine, the Pilar Operation and the RDM Mine, as well as the Santa Luz Mine, which is a fully-permitted, fully-constructed mine currently on care and maintenance and is expected to be recommissioned in 2018. Brio Gold produced approximately 190,000 ounces of gold in 2016 and is expecting to increase to a run-rate production level of 400,000 ounces of gold in 2018. The Company is a new emerging mid-tier gold producer focused on growth in the Americas. Brio Gold intends to continue to optimize its operations to deliver consistent and sustainable production, deliver on growth while maintaining a disciplined approach to cost containment and capital spending. Brio Gold trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "BRIO".

Details about Brio Gold Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Jordana Silva
Jordana Silva currently works for Brio Gold Inc..
Jordana Silva's role at Brio Gold Inc. is Estagiário.
Jordana Silva's email address is *** To view Jordana Silva's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jordana Silva works in the Mining & Metals industry.
Jordana Silva's colleagues at Brio Gold Inc. are Elton Goncalves, Breno Machado, Franciel Lopes, Josemir Queiroz, Mairlan Nascimento, Rodrigo Oliveira, Totonho Araci and others.
Jordana Silva's phone number is
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