We deliver turnkey solutions with a lock-in approach based on positive network externalities. Our projects are usually related to:1. Private Sector: increase market share. We design and implement efficient solutions that maximize the value perceived by customers through a compatibility network based on positive network externalities. These solutions are consolidated irreversibly (lock-in). The key indicators usually optimized with this approach are the reduction of sales costs, lower budgets to attract new customers and the reduction of the churn rate (loyalty), among other equivalent key indicators. 2. Public Sector: coordination mechanisms among institutions, intermediaries and target population to improve welfare and development indicators. With a lock-in solution, public policies are more efficient and irreversible. We improve the welfare and development indicators at the same time as the public budget is less than proportionally required to achieve these goals. 3. Both sectors: coordination mechanisms within the organization, based on formal collaborative network models. We implement solutions to encourage the cooperation among people or different business units / working groups. The key indicators usually optimized with this approach are the productivity and supervision costs related to the operational and innovation processes.