Space-Eyes provides GEOINT tools that deliver context to pixels. This includes data collection, data aggregation, anomaly detection, predictive analytics, threat evaluation, visualization, dissemination and notification. The user reviews the maritime context for a given area based on spatio-temporal reasoning that includes all surface targets in that area. This abridgment established then allows the user to build special use cases to support their particular mission, task and address their challenge. The GEO-SPATIAL library leverages the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The data library will continue to grow with other space based SAR sensors such as NovaSAR.Two key challenges in the global littoral are (1) Establish near real-time abridgment of the maritime area and (2) Ascertain Intent of unknown surface targets. Emerging LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellite assets have partially contributed towards helping us address these issues.We offer an UNCLASSIFIED online portal (hosted on Amazon Web Services) that allows qualified users unfettered access near real-time. We also provide a maritime domain knowledge base.