Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)â®Director Comercial at UltraGrupo - Nuestra Señora de La Paz, La Paz Department, Bolivia
Ultra is the startup that has raised the largest funding in Bolivia's history.We have developed and operate two portals:UltraCasas is the #1 property marketplace in Bolivia, with 800k monthly sessions and 25,000 listings. More than 2,500 real estate agents and 200 developments use our platform to gather high quality leads and mortgage processing for transactions.Our technology has been acknowledged as top quality in the classifieds world by key industry leaders and we use the most sophisticated marketing strategies available combined with top performance commercial strategy and tools.UltraCreditos is the first FaaS and Lending Marketplace in Latam that compares and coverts multiple types of loans 100% online.Currently providing services to the top local financial entities, soon to enter new markets in the region.