is ready for your business. Any serious on their game companies big or small in need of face to face marketers to do events. (All types of events). If you have the phone rooms and the sales people or need help getting that set up, we will be glad to help. If you are good to go and just need the grind done where every individual that you are looking for from your event to fill out a inquiry/ lead formand you need the leads in volumes...than we may have a match. I am sure you have all seen the lotion face to face marketers in the mall to try to give you a sample..and you would probrably say they are pretty aggressive. The reason they are so aggressive is because their is a set rate on the cost of the lotion, and the marketer going up to the consumer is looking to make $2000+ for the day. Many times they shut down early from the mall and will just pay the mal fine...they do not care..the reason for this on those days the face to face marketers as a team most likely earned $10,000 in commissions for that day.The reason we bring this story up about the lotion face to face marketers/sales people is because we will run circles around them. We have done every single time running another face to face marketing event a few spaces apart.Field is the company you are looking for to get your machine...(business) increasing revenues!