Type-it is Scandinavias largest typesetting company. This year we bring typography to almost 5000 titles! Most books are typeset in the Scandinavian languages. E.g. Finnish (a completely different language, not spoken by any of our employees) is successfully typeset thanks to established routines and technological developments.Our customers are solely book publishers and government.Type-its strengths are in the following publishing areas:• Novels (90 % of the titles we work with are normal novels. However they contribute to less than 50 % of the total sales)• E-Pub for e-books• Academic Publishing• Law Publishing• Mathemathical typesetting (Tech, LaTech and MathType)• Conversions to and from any structured file format (such as XML, SGML, RTF)• Proof reading. We have 80 freelance proofreaders in our stall.Type-it AS is based in Trondheim, Norway. Hardly none of our customers are located within 500 km from our location. Our workflow is solely based on remote daily routines and frequent meetings with the publishers.Type-it AS has a daughter company in Denmark; Type-it ApSOur technology is developed, and continuously refined, by our engineers. The technology enables Type-it to compete with low cost countries, even on the performance objective price.The technology enables us to work on e.g an XML document (or XML similar). No conversions are required.