Director Wind at Norwegian Energy Partners at Norwegian Energy Partners - Oslo, Oslo, No
Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) is an independent non-profit foundation established to strengthen the long-term basis for value creation and employment in the Norwegian energy industry through expanding the industry's international business activities. NORWEP has more than 300 independent, operating companies as partners.How do we work? We map competence, technology and comparative advantages of Norwegian companies and match this with customer demands internationally. Our aim is to strengthen the position and competitiveness and at the same time reduce the risks related to international activities. We work as a network organization bringing customer and suppliers together.Norwegian Energy Partners' work is based on customer orientation, cooperation, finding solutions, respect, integrity and competence.Our founders are the Norwegian Shipowners' Association (Norges Rederiforbund), the Federation of Norwegian Industries (Norsk industri), the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (Norsk olje & gass), Energy Norway (Energi Norge), Equinor, Statkraft, the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.