In 1980 Harry and Janny ten Dam founded the dairy company De Dageraad. Nowadays, over 35 years later, De Dageraad has blossomed to a flourishing family company where the parents, together with their children Manon, Tim and Daan have expanded the company to an innovative enterprise.The cheese production takes place in the Netherlands and an innovative and modern cheese warehouse is located right across the German border in Kranenburg. Due to growing interest from abroad the family decided on a more international name: Aurora. Today Aurora is known for its delicious organic and dynamic organic cheeses.The vision of family ten Dam: ‘We want to produce organic and sustainable food in such a way where we boost organic agriculture to create one healthy environment for animals, mankind and nature. With our cheeses we want to contribute to the health of people. This all in collaboration with our milk suppliers to come to a healthy composed milk of high quality. Cheese produced with respect for nature, animal welfare and humans."