1. Board Of DirectorsThe vast and rapid development of bothinfrastructure and mix-purpose building inIndonesia has provided an array ofopportunity in the construction sector. SlipiRaya Utama took this challenge andestablished itself as one of the major playersin the construction industry.Over the past 10 years of operation, SRU hassuccessfully completed government, privateand international projects to clientsatisfaction. The Company has demonstratedits ability in achieving high qualityworkmanship and scheduling irrespectiveof the contract size and achieving highcredibility in small, medium and large scaleprojects.2. Management StaffSupported by professional and skilled teamswith various different academic,employment and technical disciplinebackground,SRU management was grantedthe ISO 9001:2000 and in terms of safetyachieved OHSAS 18001 : 1999 for workingenvironment safety standard.