Jose Ariza

Asesor de comunicación y relaciones públicas at Barcelona City Council - , ,

Jose Ariza's Colleagues at Barcelona City Council
Ruth Capdevila

Directora del Servei d'atenció, Recuperació i Acollida (SARA )

Contact Ruth Capdevila

Silvia Martos

Deputy Chief Architect

Contact Silvia Martos

Roger Pages

SPEIS Bombers Barcelona

Contact Roger Pages

Ramon Villaro

Gerent Institut Municipal de Persones amb Discapacitat (Ajuntament de Barcelona)

Contact Ramon Villaro

Francesc Gisbert-I-Sempere

Gestor de Projectes a la Intervenció General de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

Contact Francesc Gisbert-I-Sempere

Miquel Nicolau

Auxiliar administrativo gestor de incidencias

Contact Miquel Nicolau

View All Jose Ariza's Colleagues
Jose Ariza's Contact Details
Barcelona City Council
Jose Ariza's Company Details
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Barcelona City Council

, , • Not Available Employees

Barcelona is governed by a city council formed by 41 city councillors, elected for a four-year term by universal suffrage. As one of the two biggest cities in Spain, Barcelona is subject to a special law articulated through the Carta Municipal (Municipal Law). A first version of this law was passed in 1960 and amended later, but the current version was approved in March 2006. According to this law, Barcelona's city council is organized in two levels: a political one, with elected city councillors, and one executive, which administrates the programs and executes the decisions taken on the political level. This law also gives the local government a special relationship with the Spanish government and it also gives the mayor wider prerogatives by the means of municipal executive commissions. It expands the powers of the city council in areas like telecommunications, city traffic, road safety and public safety. It also gives a special economic regime to the city's treasury and it gives the council a veto in matters that will be decided by the central government, but that will need a favourable report from the council.

Details about Barcelona City Council
Frequently Asked Questions about Jose Ariza
Jose Ariza currently works for Barcelona City Council.
Jose Ariza's role at Barcelona City Council is Asesor de comunicación y relaciones públicas.
Jose Ariza's email address is *** To view Jose Ariza's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jose Ariza works in the Government Administration industry.
Jose Ariza's colleagues at Barcelona City Council are Ruth Capdevila, Olga Conde, Silvia Martos, Roger Pages, Ramon Villaro, Francesc Gisbert-I-Sempere, Miquel Nicolau and others.
Jose Ariza's phone number is N/A
See more information about Jose Ariza