To A Finish is a company that has grown out of a desire to improve the Salesforce CRM consulting industry. Too often we have found the priorities of consulting companies skewed towards speed and profitability, rather than excellence and long-term success. This is not a blanket statement about all consulting companies, rather a general statement of the industry at large.We believe there is a different way of consulting that will bring ultimate success to any CRM venture. The biggest difference is time. We give special attention to steps that are often rushed or even overlooked entirely in a typical project. Things like in-depth analysis, getting to really know a business, documentation and end-user involvement in the process help us set up a project for success. Ultimately, we must spend the time to do the work until it is absolutely complete. To A Finish.We are not guaranteeing our clients will never see a bug or have to rethink initial strategies. Reworking is actually part of the process of achieving success. What we are saying is that our strategies and focus will minimize unforeseen problems and achieve for us an ultimately successful project completion. We put our name on our work and stake our reputation on quality service.Test us. Allow us to show you the difference of doing work To A Finish.