✔ TrainingWe strive to provide the BEST INTENSIVE COURSES ON iOS DEVELOPMENT (Cocoa & Objective C), TDD, Android, Cocos 2D, Git, Third-party Backends for Apps (Parse, heroku, aws, etc), Creating backends for Apps with Node.js, & other technologies.● All our classes can be taught in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.● Our classes are all carefully crafted to provide a solid foundation of the core concepts of the technology, while keeping a fun and geek-friendly environment. We're geeks, like you. ● All the classes we teach have a clear and gradual path, with courses carefully linked together to take the student from beginner to master in a painless and most entertaining way. ● Our customers range from Fortune 500 companies, Universities, startups and individual developers in two continents: Telefonica I+D, Everis, Ameu8, U-Tad, Unisys, Merck, Aranda Software, Koombea, etc...................✔ Custom Development & Consultancy● Even though our focus and passion is teaching, we also provide custom development and consulting, having helped customers solve hairy memory leaks and whack resilient bugs in Cocoa Apps.